

Mar 21 - Apr 20



Apr 21 - May 21



May 22 - June 21



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Aug 23 - Sep 22



Sep 23 - Oct 22



Oct 23 - Nov 21



Nov 22 - Dec 21



Dec 22 - Jan 19



Jan 20 - Feb 18



Feb 19 - Mar 20

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Saturn will continue to move in Pisces throughout 2024, making you work harder in this area of ​​life, invest time and energy, learn to take responsibility. If you were born after sunset and before sunrise (i.e. you have a nocturnal birth chart), you may experience more obstacles, suffering, or setbacks in this area of ​​life. In more difficult cases, situations may arise where there is a wall in your path and you cannot continue along this path - then you have to find a new path, because the previous journey is no longer for you. It depends on how much you have stepped on the path of life by listening and following your heart. Saturn is known in astrology as the Great Teacher. His goal is to teach you and guide you to work on yourself - to put you in different situations so that you learn to take responsibility and stand up for yourself, so you would gain experience and knowledge (which can therefore also lead to mastery in a certain field) to learn to face your fears.

Saturn moves through your 7th house, bringing focus to issues related to partnerships (both romantic and business). You must have already noticed it, because Saturn moved into your house of partnerships already in the spring of last year. This transit can make relationships with others difficult. If you are in a romantic relationship, you may experience difficult trials - the question is whether they are surmountable or not. Saturn tests relationships, and if the foundation is weak, the relationship may not stand the test. However, if you are in a committed relationship that you are both willing to commit to and work towards, you will come out of this period stronger and closer than ever. However, if you are currently single, creating and maintaining relationships can be difficult. Saturn helps you to find out what you really expect from your relationship, how much you are ready to contribute yourself, and what kind of contribution you expect from your partner. It is also the time to realize whether you are ready for commitment or if you still prefer to be single. Trials in the field of relationships are Saturn's test for you to get clarity on these issues.

The nodes of the Moon will move in 2024 through the signs of Aries and Libra. Eclipse periods bring new beginnings and endings to your life to push you along the path your soul has come to experience on its earthly journey. It is time to let go of what has served its time and embrace the new. Sometimes these changes are internal, sometimes external. The less you follow the call of your fate, the more dramatic the changes can be. The first cycle of eclipses takes place in March and April - on 25 March there will be a lunar eclipse in Libra and on 08 April a solar eclipse in Aries. The second cycle of eclipses takes place in September and October - on 18 September there will be the first lunar eclipse in Pisces, which gives an idea of ​​the changes awaiting in the coming year, and on 02 October there will be a solar eclipse in Libra. Lunar eclipses occur during the Full Moon and are mostly associated with the endings and culminations of certain life stages and letting go of things. Solar eclipses are also accompanied by the end of a stage in life, but so that something new can begin (even if it is initially only an idea).

This year you will feel the effects of eclipses mainly in the 8th and 2nd house. You will experience endings and letting go as well as new beginnings in these areas. You can expect reorganizations and changes regarding your own or your partner's income, or you will have to divide joint assets. Dealing with inheritance issues, loans, debts, and investments is also possible. The lunar eclipse in Pisces in September brings out the same topics that Saturn has tested you in and will continue to try to teach you. Something needs to be given up once and for all, or it's time to close a door that you've been holding open for too long.

This year, Pluto will move into Aquarius for good (from 21 Jan), dipping back into Capricorn in the autumn (02 Sep - 19 Nov) to tie up some last loose ends, but then it will remain in the sign of Aquarius until 2043. Pluto is the Great Transformer - he pulls you out of your comfort zone, brings out the skeletons that are hidden in your closet, and forces you to face your true nature. Everything that has outlived its time must leave or change so that you can grow and evolve towards your deeper nature and true calling. In order for something new to start, it is often necessary to tear down the old one. Not always, but mostly. If Pluto is in the sign of Scorpio in your birth chart, this transit is particularly important and transformative for you.

Pluto will finally move into your 6th house, which is related to daily work, professional relationships, and health issues. Pluto intensifies these themes in which house it is located. Therefore, the transit of Pluto may not always lead to big changes, but you will start to deal with some of the topics of this house deeply and thoroughly. For example, you can start paying more attention to your health by changing your eating habits or starting a new workout. You can also simply focus more on doing your daily work. Since Pluto is also related to the other side (I don't want to sound ominous!), it can bring you in contact with death in your circle of acquaintances, reminding you how fragile life is, and this can become your motivator when revising your lifestyle choices. In any case, when Pluto leaves this house, you can realize that your everyday life has undergone a serious transformation and you are no longer who you were before Pluto entered your 6th house.

Jupiter will move in the sign of Taurus until the end of May, and during this time, a powerful conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus will also take place in mid-April, bringing unexpected good opportunities or changes in your worldview in this area of ​​life that is ruled by the sign of Taurus in your birth chart. Jupiter is called the Great Benefic in astrology. He usually brings luck, good opportunities, and abundance. Especially for those born during the day. However, if you forget your common sense, it can bring setbacks, because Jupiter has a habit of increasing, widening, and expanding everything - therefore there is a greater risk of getting into extremes and exaggerations. According to Estonian time, Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini on 26 May (according to UT 25 May), expanding a new area in your life.

Jupiter moves through your 9th house until the end of May, expanding your outlook on life and worldview, for example through travelling and getting to know foreign cultures or gathering different knowledge. A teacher or mentor may come into your life who will help broaden your worldview or beliefs. You are also more interested in spiritual, religious, or philosophical topics than usual. At the same time, it is also a favourable time to start new studies, or the current studies will be completed with easier effort.

Jupiter moves into your 10th house at the end of May, which is a favourable time for career and public reputation. A good time to start new projects or move to a new job, ask for a long-awaited salary increase or start your own business instead. If you've been waiting for something to just fall into your lap, now is the time to take the reins into your own hands. This transit can also bring you long-awaited honours and rewards, be it graduation with a medal or great job offers.

Mars will go retrograde again at the end of 2024. This time, he will start retrograding in the sign of Leo and moves back into Cancer in early 2025, arising again the issues that were under the focus from the beginning of September until the beginning of November. Mars moves into the sign of Leo at the beginning of November (04 Nov) and goes retrograde on 07 Dec Estonian time (06 Dec UT). The placement of Mars in a house directs your focus and energy to topics and people related to that house. You are more active and busy in these areas and ready to fight and compete, but at the same time it can also bring more impatience, suddenness, irritability, impulsiveness, and even anger. During Mars retrograde, you may be ready for conflicts, obstacles, or setbacks in these areas of life or with the people represented by this house (especially if you were born during the day), but sometimes awareness of such energetic influences will help you control yourself better or take time consciously to calm down.

Mars moves through the sign of Leo in your 12th house, which can make you more anxious and restless than usual. You may feel a greater need to be alone or to keep your actions and thoughts to yourself. During the transit of Mars in the 12th house, you may have more dealings with people with whom you don't get along well, with whom you have different ideas about life and living, or who are simply your opposites. Therefore, it is worth taking all kinds of confrontations more calmly, because during this transit there is a greater risk of getting into conflicts with such people. If something bothers you, take time out, think calmly, and if you still feel that you have to react to the situation, only then do something about it. Sometimes the morning is wiser than the evening. If you feel like blaming yourself or undermining yourself in some other way, now is definitely not the right time for that. There may be situations where you have to stand up for yourself or stand up to someone. Take time for yourself to rest, meditate, or engage in other calming activities. During this period, you may also have more vivid and colourful dreams than usual, or you may find it difficult to fall asleep due to excessive anxiety.

During September and October, pay attention to what is happening in your relationships with friends, because at the beginning of 2025, Mars will move back into your 11th house and bring these topics back to the agenda.

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