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Apr 21 - May 21



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Sep 23 - Oct 22



Oct 23 - Nov 21



Nov 22 - Dec 21



Dec 22 - Jan 19



Jan 20 - Feb 18



Feb 19 - Mar 20

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Saturn will continue to move in Pisces throughout 2024, making you work harder in this area of ​​life, invest time and energy, learn to take responsibility. If you were born after sunset and before sunrise (i.e. you have a nocturnal birth chart), you may experience more obstacles, suffering, or setbacks in this area of ​​life. In more difficult cases, situations may arise where there is a wall in your path and you cannot continue along this path - then you have to find a new path, because the previous journey is no longer for you. It depends on how much you have stepped on the path of life by listening and following your heart. Saturn is known in astrology as the Great Teacher. His goal is to teach you and guide you to work on yourself - to put you in different situations so that you learn to take responsibility and stand up for yourself, so you would gain experience and knowledge (which can therefore also lead to mastery in a certain field) to learn to face your fears.

Saturn is moving through your 3rd house, which can bring you setbacks and obstacles in communication (especially with siblings and neighbours), you may feel that you are not understood or feel misunderstood, or you pass it on to others and it is difficult for you to understand others. At the same time, you may simply withdraw more into yourself during this period and prefer not to communicate. Small talk is definitely not your thing during this time, and you won't waste your breath just like that. You tend to be cynical during this Saturn transit, but at the same time, this time brings out your analytical and critical thinking skills, and you develop your writing skills in some way during this period. There is a risk that short journeys (where you can reach by car) may encounter obstacles and the journey will not go smoothly, even if you have planned thoroughly beforehand.

The nodes of the Moon will move in 2024 through the signs of Aries and Libra. Eclipse periods bring new beginnings and endings to your life to push you along the path your soul has come to experience on its earthly journey. It is time to let go of what has served its time and embrace the new. Sometimes these changes are internal, sometimes external. The less you follow the call of your fate, the more dramatic the changes can be. The first cycle of eclipses takes place in March and April - on 25 March there will be a lunar eclipse in Libra and on 08 April a solar eclipse in Aries. The second cycle of eclipses takes place in September and October - on 18 September there will be the first lunar eclipse in Pisces, which gives an idea of ​​the changes awaiting in the coming year, and on 02 October there will be a solar eclipse in Libra. Lunar eclipses occur during the Full Moon and are mostly associated with the endings and culminations of certain life stages and letting go of things. Solar eclipses are also accompanied by the end of a stage in life, but so that something new can begin (even if it is initially only an idea).

This year you will feel the effects of eclipses mainly in the 4th and 10th houses, which are related to your home, real estate, parents, career, and public image. You will experience endings and letting go as well as new beginnings in these areas. With eclipses in these houses, there may be a change of residence or other changes in the home environment (e.g. moving house or major home renovations). At the same time, new beginnings and endings may instead affect the life of your parents or your relationship with your parents. New winds can also blow in the career field - e.g. in the form of a promotion or even a change of job. The lunar eclipse in Pisces in September brings out the same topics that Saturn has tested you in and will continue to try to teach you. Something needs to be given up once and for all, or it's time to close a door that you've been holding open for too long.

This year, Pluto will move into Aquarius for good (from 21 Jan), dipping back into Capricorn in the autumn (02 Sep - 19 Nov) to tie up some last loose ends, but then it will remain in the sign of Aquarius until 2043. Pluto is the Great Transformer - he pulls you out of your comfort zone, brings out the skeletons that are hidden in your closet, and forces you to face your true nature. Everything that has outlived its time must leave or change so that you can grow and evolve towards your deeper nature and true calling. In order for something new to start, it is often necessary to tear down the old one. Not always, but mostly. If Pluto is in the sign of Scorpio in your birth chart, this transit is particularly important and transformative for you.

Pluto moves into your 2nd house for good, which is related to earning income and finances. Pluto can make money an obsession for you. He can make you very rich, but he can just as easily empty you out of money. It depends on your relationship with money and what your basic values ​​are in life. Also, Pluto can increase the thirst for power and control, making you controlling, manipulative, paranoid. He can turn you into a materialistic demon who is ready to pursue his goals at any cost. It sounds ominous, but it doesn't have to be that way. These are simply the ways Pluto helps transform the themes of this house. In any case, this is the time to reevaluate your relationship with the material world and come to the realization of what you really need in this life and what you can do without. This house is also related to self-esteem - if you have been suffering from low self-esteem, it is time to heal past wounds and learn to value yourself.

Jupiter will move in the sign of Taurus until the end of May, and during this time, a powerful conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus will also take place in mid-April, bringing unexpected good opportunities or changes in your worldview in this area of ​​life that is ruled by the sign of Taurus in your birth chart. Jupiter is called the Great Benefic in astrology. He usually brings luck, good opportunities, and abundance. Especially for those born during the day. However, if you forget your common sense, it can bring setbacks, because Jupiter has a habit of increasing, widening, and expanding everything - therefore there is a greater risk of getting into extremes and exaggerations. According to Estonian time, Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini on 26 May (according to UT 25 May), expanding a new area in your life.

Jupiter is moving in your 5th house until the end of May. Use this time to enjoy activities you love. Do your hobbies and spend time with your family. If you have children, your relationship with them is positively charged, and this is a great time for various fun activities and events with them. You can expect a fresh burst of inspiration in creative activities. If you are single, you will enjoy attention in the romantic sphere and may meet a new suitable candidate for a romantic relationship. However, there can be a danger in confusing lust with love. If you are already in a relationship, you can experience more vibrancy, spice, and passion in the relationship.

At the end of May, Jupiter moves into your 6th house, which is related to health, habits, and daily work. Although Jupiter usually brings with it good health, it is worth cautioning against overeating and overdrinking (as well as over-exercising), as there is a tendency to overdo everything during Jupiter's transit. However, this is a great time to start a health-enhancing diet or exercise regularly. The amount of daily work may increase at times, but you still feel pleasure from work and the work flows smoothly. Getting along with colleagues and subordinates is good. If you are your own employer, you can expect a burst of ideas to expand your business during Jupiter's transit in the 6th house.

Mars will go retrograde again at the end of 2024. This time, he will start retrograding in the sign of Leo and moves back into Cancer in early 2025, arising again the issues that were under the focus from the beginning of September until the beginning of November. Mars moves into the sign of Leo at the beginning of November (04 Nov) and goes retrograde on 07 Dec Estonian time (06 Dec UT). The placement of Mars in a house directs your focus and energy to topics and people related to that house. You are more active and busy in these areas and ready to fight and compete, but at the same time it can also bring more impatience, suddenness, irritability, impulsiveness, and even anger. During Mars retrograde, you may be ready for conflicts, obstacles, or setbacks in these areas of life or with the people represented by this house (especially if you were born during the day), but sometimes awareness of such energetic influences will help you control yourself better or take time consciously to calm down.

Mars in Leo moves in your 8th house, keeping the focus on financial matters, and you have to deal more with other people's money. You invest energy in increasing the joint wallet with your partner, or your partner is busy increasing his/her own finances. The management of inheritance matters or the elimination or collection of debts or the management of tax obligations are not excluded either. You may also feel the urge to invest your savings. The influence of Mars in the 8th house may not always be reflected externally, but you can feel this transit in a psychological transformation. For example, you may be busy with spiritual healing due to the effects of some life event. However, during Mars retrograde, there may be conflicts and disputes in the field of financial affairs, especially if finances and contributions are not balanced.

During September and October, pay attention to what is happening in your partnerships (romantic or business), because at the beginning of 2025, Mars will move back into your 7th house and bring these issues back to the agenda.

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